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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Day 1

Well hiya! Today I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Apparently it's a thing. I'm the first in my family to have this problem so it's going to be quite the learning curve! Add to that, I'm also a vegetarian with vegan tendencies so food is going to be interesting! If you're looking for more info on Celiac Disease, see my "About" page to the right!

A bit about me? My name is Brooke. I'm a University student majoring in Archaeology and minoring in Religious Studies. So, I'm pretty much a big nerd and I like it that way! I've been a vegetarian for over a year for ethical and environmental reasons. Switching up my diet meant that I was introduced to foods like quinoa, millet, and other beautiful, wonderful healthy foods. Luckily for me, that means that gluten-free foods aren't new to me and I have a pretty good background on how to prepare them! However since I'll be going fully gluten-free (starting this very day), I'm bound to encounter some interesting learning experiences along the way that I hope to share with those of you on a similar journey!

So to start this journey and blog off on a positive note, I'm going to share with you all two of my new favourite recipes from the people at Vega (see resources), and talk a little bit about what I've done in my kitchen to try and prevent cross-contamination!

First recipe I'm going to share is Morgan's Green Soup! This green soup is packed full of fresh flavour, tasty greens, and coconut milk! With vitamins and minerals to boot, this soup packs a healthy, low calorie punch and has earned it's way onto the "Brooke's fav soups" list for sure!

Click here for the recipe:
((I'm a big fan of giving credit where credit is due, so if I found the recipe somewhere, I will link you to it!)) And here is a fabulous picture of how my sexy green soup turned out:
Nice, right? I made the full recipe size and saved the leftover soup in a huge bowl in my fridge so it has made for a quick snack/meal whenever I've been hungry! Not to mention, it's packed full of IRON which is great for those of us Celiac sufferers who deal with anemia!
Tonight, I decided to give another Vega recipe a try and made Gluten-Free Vegan Pho! I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out because I didn't make the recipe exactly according to the website! Mostly, I wanted to make a smaller amount and use some of the toppings I had on hand! It was my happy day because the pho turned out exceptionally well and I greedily gobbled up the whole bowl!
Okay, so not only did this taste INCREDIBLE, but I was super impressed with my own presentation abilities. That's my plate! Ain't it pretty?!? 

So there, I've now posted two recipes with pictures to hold you over until I blog again!

In terms of cross-contamination, I've only scratched the surface of what I worry might be a fairly large issue. When I spoke with my doctor about it today, he said that I should basically just apply my common sense. He agreed with me that glass plates or metal appliances should be fine for sharing with my busy gluten-loving family. He also agreed that because plastic is porous, it would be a good idea for me to have my own plastic things, such as Tupperware! So first thing I did after my doctors appointment was go and get me some storage containers and things! I painted a big black "B" on all of my new items so that family members unloading the dishwasher can tell that these things are mine and put them in the handy new drawers that I cleared for my personal use!

Yes, that is a shadow of my arm holding my phone over-top of my dishes. Don't judge. It's rude. So yeah, it's been a bit of a ramble but I think for a first post, I've covered all of my bases!

I hope I haven't scared you off, if there happens to be any of you reading! Take care :)

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